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Catnip – Canada

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Catnip – Canada

Catnip – Canada

Price: from $46.64


Product code: 345

Catnip - Canada - Essential Oil

Scientific Name: Nepeta cataria

Country of origin / Extraction Method: Canada / Steam Distilled from the flowering tops

Properties for use in Aromatherapy: Anesthetic (local), antispasmodic, muscular aches and pains, chills, insomnia, nervous tension and stress, rheumatism, colic, flatulence, astringent, repels mosquitoes and cockroaches.

Blends will with: Lavender, citronella, peppermint

Safety: Avoid during pregnancy. Use in moderation. Dilute with a carrier oil. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

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