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Lemongrass (India)

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Lemongrass (India)

Lemongrass (India)

Price: from $7.08


Product code: 958

Lemongrass (India) Essential Oil

Scientific Name: Cymbopogon flexuosus

Country of Origin/Extraction method: India/Essential oil by steam distillation from the fresh and partially dried leaves (grass), finely chopped.

Properties for use in Aromatherapy: Fresh, grassy-citrus scent and earthy undertone.  Can be utilized as a sedative for the central nervous system.  Often used as an insect repellent. Other uses include alleviating skin conditions including acne, athlete's foot, excessive perspiration.  Can be used for muscular pain, poor circulation and muscle tone, slack tissue.

Blends well with: basil, cedarwood, coriander, geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli rosemary, tea tree.

Safety: Non-toxic, possible dermal irritation and/or sensitization in some individuals. Use with care.

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